Thursday, February 23, 2012

How To: Make Harvard Love You

Hey everyone! (Or just Tiffany, haha now you’re obligated to follow.) I’ve wanted to start a blog for a while now but I had a small issue- I had no idea what to write and every time I tried to start one I would get carpal tunnel, or something. :  / So I was completely stuck somewhere in between being a real live blogger and crying myself to sleep every night… until about a week ago when I started applying to colleges. Turns out the college application essay is just like a blog post! Well the good ones are. After realizing this I immediatly knew how to be a blogger. So what can you expect from I'm A Real Blog! © ? A bunch of college application essays about my life. Its way less boring then it sounds. You can also expect some poetry and short stories written by me, observations, things/writings I found inspiring or helpful. Basically whatever I want. My next and first real post is going to be my actual college application essay so you can get an idea of what’s to come and hopefully enjoy it!
Oh, so how do you make Harvard love you? yOu Be SMarT and read my college application essays.

Erin Nicole x  

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